Snowe and Chafee Pose a Dilemma
Assume, for a moment that neither one swtiches parties or retires between now and 2006. (I'm hopeful for Chafee, but ride along with me.) And assume that both survive primary chalenges, if they appear,...
View ArticleShould I Enlist?
This has been weighing on me for a while. I want to say straight-out that I despise George W. Bush and his foreign policy, and lament the mess that he has created in Iraq. The invasion was the single...
View ArticleLieberman new UN Ambassador?
After Joementum apparently summoned enough guts to refuse the DHS spot, Wikinews now claims that Bush is offering Sen. Lieberman the Ambassador to the United Nations spot. Unconfirmed - anyone else...
View ArticleNew Break in Delay PAC Investigation
From Burnt Orange Report. It appears the Austin American-Statesman has dug up more evidence indicating that Texans for a Republican Majority, Maj. Leader Tom Delay's PAC, used corporate donations for...
View ArticleSantorum: Sexual Abuse Was Consensual
Rick Santorum's unhinged mouth is the gift that keeps on giving. Whether it's calling Democrats Nazis, publicly lecturing on bestiality, or complaining about those sinful women working outside the...
View ArticlePA-Sen, Gov: Casey, Rendell have big leads
Keystone Sept 8-13 650 respondents MoE unknownIf the election for Pennsylvani's US Senator were being today and the candidates were Bob Casey, Jr. and Rick Santorum, would you vote for... Sept....
View ArticlePA-SEN: Santorum takes Bush to task
That's the headline of this Pittsburgh Post-Gazette story. Two reasons why this is important, below the fold.
View ArticlePA-Sen: Yet another poll
You know, if it weren't for this race I'd have no excuse to write diaries. Thanks, Rick. Allentown Morning Call/Muhlenberg College. Sept. 18-25. MoE 4.5%. Head-to-headBob Casey 37% Rick Santorum 29%...
View ArticlePA-Sen: Conservatives pissed at Santorum
We here in Pennsylvania let a golden opportunity slip by in the spring of 2004. There wasn't much back-and-forth in the Democratic primary - Kerry already had it sewn up, Hoeffel was running unopposed,...
View ArticlePA-Gov: The Running-Mate
Well, it's official: Joe Hoeffel is out of the Lieutenant-Governor's race in Pennsylvania. He announced his withdrawal today, a day after he announced his candidacy. He apparently did so at the request...
View ArticlePA-Sen: Casey leads Santorum, Desroko a filthy liar
Just kidding. Strategic Vision (R) 1200 LV MoE 3% March 10-12 14. If the election for United States Senate were held today, and the choice was between Robert Casey, Jr., the Democrat and Rick...
View ArticleFantasy Straw Poll
Every time Markos posts a straw poll, people complain that one candidate or another isn't included. I'm not really sure why - I'm sure that if, say Al Gore wants to step in, being left out of a single...
View ArticlePA-7: Curt Weldon's a Total Asshole
Poor Curt. It was bad enough that he drew a hugely high-profile challenger in Vice-Admiral Joe Sestak (ret.), a Fighting Dem and 31-year veteran of the United States Navy. But just a few days ago,...
View ArticlePA-Gov: Independent Enters the Race
The major party field for Pennsylvania's gubernatorial field has already been set. Ed Rendell doesn't have a primary challenger, and the only excitement on the Dem side so far has been whether we'll...
View ArticlePA-Sen: Rendell Tries to Atone
Wait, there are other races going on? Surely I jest, right? Not only that, there's PA-Sen news that doesn't involve the Green Party, Markos's four or five FP posts aside.
View ArticlePA-Sen: GOP's Romanelli dealt one-two punch
Two different courts have rejected two Greens Of Pennsylvania lawsuits in as many days, essentially pulling the life-support on Carl Romanelli's campaign against Democrat Bob Casey.
View ArticleMayor O'Connor of Pittsburgh died tonight
Mayor Bob O'Connor of Pittsburgh died tonight, almost two months after being diagnosed with primary central nervous system lymphoma, a rare form of brain cancer. He was 61 years old.
View ArticlePA-Sen: Polling round-up; Casey leads by 21??
There are three polls on the Pennsylvania Senate race out in the ether right now, all showing very different results. The good news: All three firms agree that Casey is leading Santorum. But by how much?
View ArticleCT-04: In Praise of a Green
I'm not usually one to congratulate Greens on their political strategy, given that their strategy essentially consists of siphoning off center-left votes and ensuring Republican victories. Sometimes...
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